Sophia is within 500 miles from St Lucia!!
We heard from Mom (Joan) last night and they were having a "you can count them on one hand" party. For those of use that have not been at sea for 18 days that means they can count the hundreds of miles on one hand now - it can feel so close!
The bad news was the Main Sail ripped near the top several days ago, forcing the crew to take it down. Without a main they have been slowed to about 4 knots per hour, but consistently logging about 100 miles per 24 hours. Luckily the wind has shifted more from ENE to the NNE allowing them to sail a more direct coarse to the west and St Lucia. The forecast appears to be for 10-15 knots of wind for the 3 days with building to 15-20 around the 15th. With this forecast we estimate Sophia and crew will make landfall this weekend!